Shou Wu Plus Tincture


One 250 mL (8½ fl oz) bottle

Ingredients: Shou Wu, Rehmannia, Ligustrum, Bupleurum, Dioscorea, distilled water, ethyl alcohol (23% vol)

1 tablespoon 1-2 times daily. Best taken at bedtime.
Shou Wu tincture actually has a pleasant taste! It contains Shou Wu and other herbs which nourish and replenish the liver and kidneys, as well as the heart, spleen, and lungs, thus helping to restore a youthful elasticity to all these organs. Nourishing herbs generally have a sweet taste, and this formula is filled with sweet, moistening herbs. It can be used after liver and gallbladder cleansing to replenish any nutrients flushed out during the cleansing process, or to fight the symptoms of aging on liver and kidney function. The Shou Wu root is also known to have a mild laxative effect.

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