“When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere potentiality, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity.” ― Carl Jung


Kundalini Awakening

Tom has extensive experience with the Kundalini and has helped many people undergoing this spiritual emergence. He understands first hand how profound the awakened kundalini can be and how to work with it to integrate it into the spiritual awakening path.

Since the 1960's there has been a growing number of people undergoing psychospiritual experiences within our culture, as part of some form of spiritual emergence. This is partly due to the many new therapies and intense spiritual practices involving some type of meditation ie. Kundalini Yoga, shamanic practices, transpersonal therapies, energy work, intense breathing exercises, etc.

Spiritual Emergence

Spiritual emergence is a form of personal awakening into a level of perceiving and functioning, which is beyond the normal ego functioning. The process may at first include one of the following phenomena: out-of-body experiences, occult phenomena, precognition, clairvoyance, astral travel and perception of auras, etc.

"At its peak, spiritual emergence is the experience of the ultimate unity of all things, a mystical experience, a merging with the Divine which transcends verbal description." —Dr. Bragdon 1988

One's life is permanently changed by spiritual emergence. The ultimate benefits of this process are numerous. However, when one does not have the mental/emotional flexibility, understanding, or some form of conceptual framework to support the experience, it can turn into a spiritual emergency.


Ten major forms of Spiritual Emergency

✧ Awakening of Kundalini

✧ Crisis of psychic opening

✧ Psychological renewal

✧ Past life experience

✧ Communication with spirit guides

✧ Experience with UFO’S

✧ Near-death experiences

✧ Possession state

✧ Shamanic crisis

✧ Peak experiences

There are some similar features to these different forms of emergence, so there are no clear cut boundaries between them. The form of spiritual emergence which has become the most prevalent is the awakening of the Kundalini. The Kundalini is at the core of the esoteric teachings of many cultures and religions including Taoist yoga, Korean Zen, Tibetan Vajrayana, Christian mysticism, Sufism, the freemasons, !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, the Hopi Indians and many others. (More: Spiritual Emergency or Emergence)

Characteristic symptoms of Kundalini awakening

Ecstatic bliss⎮Throbbing at the base of the spine⎮Experiences of vibrations or energy in spinal column⎮Energy movement or jerking in some part of the body (Kriyas)⎮Shaking all over⎮ Involuntary hyperventilation and extreme deep breathing⎮Uncontrolled laughing and crying⎮Extreme fear⎮Visions⎮Spontaneous yoga postures⎮Spontaneous chanting⎮Extreme sexual desires⎮Hearing sounds like the buzzing of bees, bells, loud roaring sounds⎮ Feeling like you are floating or intoxicated⎮Unusual smells⎮Strange powers or ability

restful meditator

Kundalini Syndrome & Spiritual Crisis Management

The Kundalini can be described as the potential power of pure consciousness which normally lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini is fully “awakened”, it rises up the spine to the crown of the head and culminates in a fully awakened, spiritually enlightened being.

The beginning stages of Kundalini awakening, however, can be very dramatic. Traditionally it is viewed as an intense process of purification. As the energy moves throughout the body it encounters mental, emotional and energetic blockages which create resistance, and can cause spontaneous physical, mental and emotional reactions called kriyas. The combination of symptoms of Kundalini blockages is often referred to as Kundalini Syndrome.

Tom has over 40 years personal experience with many of these unusual events and has counseled many others since 1996. He is also able to help alleviate these “kriyas” by working with the mental, emotion energy blockages, directly in the energy body. This helps one to understand and learn to work with the changes and thereby facilitate the spiritual emergence process.

“Based on my own experience Tom can help with kundalini problems and other health issues as well. And if one does have awakened kundalini, Tom can work with it without aggravating it or creating imbalances. It's great to know that there is a healer I can turn to when I do need help”. —✤A.C. May, 2001