"It is awareness that does the healing."
— Tom Adams
Energy Healing & Spiritual Healing
There are many different methods of energy and spiritual healing available and they all correspond to the different levels of understanding or spiritual realization of the healer. There are two main categories of healing based on two aspects of reality, the relative and the absolute. ENERGY HEALING is based on the dualistic understanding of relative reality. SPIRITUAL HEALING is based on a degree of realization of the non-dual, absolute nature of life.
What is Energy Healing?
Energy Healers work with the prana in the chakra system and/or chi in the meridian system or just generally in the human energy field. The prana/chi is the vital force or energy sometimes called the "life force", which is found in every living thing; the earth, water, plants and the air we breathe. The energy healing group includes prana healers, chi healers & reiki healers, psychic healers, magnetic healers, vibrational healers, crystal healers and the many different other variations that are formed around the use of the prana or chi energy.
Prana healers work with energy as negative vs. positive, healthy vs. diseased, under-active vs. over-active, or depleted vs. energized, and they work by removing the diseased energy and energizing with the positive or "healthy energy". Traditional prana healers work with the energy centers, (chakras) and the field of energy permeating and surrounding the human body (the aura).
Chi healers generally view the energy as blocked vs. unblocked, or balanced vs. unbalanced in relation to the principles of yin and yang or the five elements. The approach here is to send the chi energy to energize and unblock the energy pathways or meridians. Some chi healers also work with chi kung movements.
Reiki healing is a relatively new and popular form of chi healing. The reiki healers also send chi/ki energy to their clients within a limited modality.
The prana/chi energy is more subtle than electrical or magnetic energy. The various healing methods for using it appear very different, however generally speaking, they are all relatively linear approaches of using or manipulating energy within the etheric and sometimes astral body, based on relative or dualistic thinking. This means that whether the results of using the prana/chi energy is going to be helpful or harmful, is dependent upon the knowledge and expertise of the practitioner. If the energy healer cannot clearly see or feel the energy in all the chakras and/or the meridians, then in truth, they don't really know if the individual’s energy is in balance or not when the healing is finished. Some energy healers, although well intentioned, create additional problems for their clients, mistakenly and unknowingly thinking the uncomfortable result is some form of beneficial "healing crisis". Tom has helped restore balance and harmony for other energy healers and their clients. There are many different variations of the three basic approaches to energy healing mentioned above and when used in a skillful manner they can be very effective for a wide range of disorders.
What is Spiritual Healing?
Spiritual Healers are those who have realized some degree of absolute or non-dual awareness. Absolute awareness is non dualistic because it is the source of absolute peace, love, wisdom, supply, health and harmony. It has always been and will always be spontaneously present. Absolute awareness is often referred to as God, Buddha Nature, Shiva, Brahma, True Self, etc. Tibetan Buddhists often describe Buddha Nature as self illuminating, spacious awareness. It is self illuminating or aware because it is always present and yet it is not an object of experience, and therefore cannot be manipulated or misused. Non-dual awareness is undifferentiated, which means it is the inseparable union of absolute and relative reality. Healing based on this level of understanding is radically different from the basic energy healing approach and it usually requires many years of intense meditation and other practice to develop this ability.
Spiritual healers do not manipulate or move energy, they realize harmony or absolute awareness within themselves, and all things in the phenomenal world. They have an understanding of the relative, impermanent nature of dis-ease or disharmony and simultaneously have an understanding of the absolute nature from which it arises and appears to exist. They realize that attachment to the false, limiting concept and belief in a separate, concrete, independent ego self is the ultimate cause of all suffering, it is dualistic and it separates us from Absolute Truth, from each other and the world.
Energy Healing & Spiritual Healing Work Together
Tom has found that spiritual healing with a clear view of the relative energetic framework of the physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental and causal "bodies" has been very effective for healing a much wider range of conditions than when he first began healing as a prana/chi healer. By unifying Prana Energy Healing & Spiritual Healing in his healing practice, Tom helps others to realize spiritual awareness, the true source of healing, that underlies the relative appearance of pain, disease or suffering. Many people have become free of their physical, mental and emotional symptoms as well as the underlying causes of the condition. This results in greater health and harmony at all levels of their being.

“Nothing whatsoever is to be removed. Not the slightest thing added. Truly looking at Truth, Truth is seen. When seen, this is complete liberation.”
—Buddhist Teaching
“We adopted a dog who was abused and would not go near any men, it took her a year to learn to trust my husband who is very gentle. Tom came to the house one day to do some work for us, when he came in the door she carefully went right up to him and she let him pet her. I was amazed, I told Tom about her history and how unusual that was for her. He told us about his healing work and offered to help her. He just seemed to rub her sides and head for a few minutes , he mentioned that her heart was closed, and then went to work on our house. I took her out for a walk a few hours later and she went right up to one of the gardeners outside our condo, again I was amazed. Thank you Tom you changed her life and opened our eyes too.” —Karen
Energy healing for our pets is naturally much like it is for ourselves. Our pets have energy centers (chakras), and meridians similar to our own. Pets also suffer from physical pain as well as psychological ailments, which can be seen and felt as disharmony and blocks to the flow of the energy throughout their chakras and meridians. Conventional veterinary health care is limited to working with the physical body. Tom’s healing works with the physical, psychological ailments, on a direct energy level and is intended to complement your pets conventional veterinary care.
“My cat was very ill and she was at the vets for two days with no change. I had decided to put her to sleep if she hadn’t recovered by the next day. I just happened to mention this to Tom and he offered to do a healing for her that night from his home . He didn’t make me any promises but the next morning she was completely normal again and I was able to bring her home.” —Peter

Spiritual Healing & Chi Kung Acupressure
Tom's healing approach to acupressure is unique. He focuses the harmony realized through non-judgmental awareness in the acu-points and meridians and they are naturally restored to balance, allowing the chi to flow freely throughout the energy body without having to consciously manipulate the energy. This combination of spiritual healing and Chi Kung acupressure works on the chi in the meridian system and also the more subtle levels of consciousness. This helps facilitate clearing of the deeper emotional blockages and unhealthy habitual thought patterns that often underlie the blocked energy meridians.