"May you be at peace. May your heart remain open. May you awaken to the light of your own true nature. May you be healed. May you be a source of healing for all beings”
- Tibetan Buddhist Prayer
Welcome to Eastern Healing Arts
Energy healer and spiritual counselor, Tom Adams, offers a unique and effective blend of intuitive and Eastern Healing practices which combine the use of Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, hands-on and hands-off techniques, for in person and distant energy healing worldwide. He has an understanding of Kundalini Awakening symptoms and healing and how to help integrate it. Tom has also guided a meditation group weekly since 1997.
Eastern Healing Arts healing sessions, in-office or long distance anywhere in the world, include a synthesis of Pranic Healing and Spiritual Healing and yogic psychotherapy. Often, meditation instruction, mindfulness training and instruction in healthful breathing techniques are incorporated. Chi Kung acupressure and Tibetan bowl sound healing can also be part of in-office sessions.
Since 1996, Tom has had remarkable success in addressing a wide range of health disorders. He has also helped people with pre-op and post-op surgery to strengthen the body, the part or organ operated on, reduce infection, pain and greatly accelerate the healing process. Through perceiving the underlying subtle energy anatomy, in all the major organs of the body, the joints, the different organ meridians, and seeing the energetic blockages underlying the physical problems he helps to remove pain and heal many illnesses. When the problem has deeper mental or emotional causes Tom works with his clients to teach them how to heal themselves through various meditative techniques.

“You ought not to heal the body without the soul, for this is the great error of our day in treating the human body.” — Plato
✧ Energy & Spiritual Healing
✧ Distance Healing
✧ Pet Healing
Tom has found that energy/spiritual healing with a view of the relative framework of the physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental and causal "bodies" has been very effective for healing a wide range of conditions.
Kundalini Awakening
Tom has over 40 years personal experience with the spiritual phenomenon called Kundalini Awakening. He has specialized in assisting people experiencing the intensity of Kundalini crisis and has helped many integrate it, allowing for a more gentle and consistent spiritual emergence.
Spiritual Counseling
We suffer in life when we are ignorant of our true nature, the Absolute Awareness, Love, Compassion and Wisdom that is the one true source of all health, prosperity, peace and joy.
Listening and personalized guidance creates the space which allows deep, clear insight to naturally arise and facilitates eventual freedom from suffering.
About Tom
Tom Adams has over four decades of experience with intensive meditation practice, Kundalini, Pranic Healing, Chi Kung and comprehensive, in depth study of many spiritual and healing traditions.
He’s dedicated the past 28 years to helping people move out of physical and spiritual suffering into a more fulfilling experience.
You know, it's been nineteen years since I've been on vacation, but I'm on one tonight. I'm vacationing in Utopia - the bliss, peace, quiet, and calm, are more than I could expect from going away from home somewhere to relax. I feel "damn-near-perfect!" Now, how do I keep this from losing this feeling? I think the answer is to pound on your door Wednesday afternoon... around 3pm. Tom, in all sincerity, thank you for agreeing to share your gift with me. It's just such a tremendous gift and I am so very grateful!
- Grateful
Tom was the first healer I had been to see since my Kundalini awakening two and a half years ago. Before working with Tom, I was inundated with difficulties including intense (almost damaging) Kryia activity, lethargy, trouble focusing at work... among other things. Tom helped to tune my understanding of the process. He was "spot on" identifying areas were the blockages were and helped to bring my energy into balance. Although this process is still incredibly difficult, he taught me to work with it and helped me to smooth out the process. I am grateful to have found Tom when I did. Things are so much better now thanks to his wisdom, guidance, and compassion.
- Jared, Massachusetts
When I first made contact with Tom after reading his website, I was very desperate and full of fear about my whole kundalini experience. I had struggled with trying to deal with kundalini energy on my own for eight years after an awakening and had become very burnt out both emotionally and physically. Tom was extremely patient, understanding and encouraging. Although I live in London, he was still able to help me with distance healing. The first time Tom worked with me, I knew that I had finally found the right person to help me.
- CW, London
Greetings to You Tom! You are a healer extraordinaire! Wow! My Kipling is doing so much better now! Thank you so much, WOW, "thank you" seems insufficient to say, but I thank you so much. His energy is up, his appetite is back, he's his bossy lordly self again! Just the way I love him. I'd say he is about 90% normal, and I'm so happy with that. Thank you Tom, you are extremely gifted and wonderful. Thank you, bliss and light and joy and rapid good karma return to you! 02.05.08
- Charlotte and Kipling
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