The Healing Nature of Kundalini
A reflection of our own consciousness
Kundalini is often described as the potential for our own consciousness to expand and reach a higher level of awareness, the very essence of our inner being, and its inherent potential for spiritual growth.{SeeArticle What is Kundalini} Therefore, it can be understood as a reflection of our own consciousness, residing within us in a latent state. Kundalini is not some separate, outside force that we are at the mercy of and from which we appear to suffer.
Purification through awareness
Kundalini in the Hindu tradition is perceived as the power of Brahma or Shiva. This power as it moves through the chakras and meridians, can sometimes force its way through the etheric, mental and emotional blocks in the energy centers and meridians, cleansing and purifying its way to the more spiritual centers of awareness. Or it can just intensify our physical, emotional and mental blocks bringing them quickly and often painfully to our attention. The pain and suffering comes from imbalances in the energy body caused by the accumulation of our attachment and aversion to limited thoughts, speech and action from past experiences, (karma).
I have found that very few traditional Tibetan Buddhist monks have kundalini related problems. Buddhist teachings do not focus on or even mention the kundalini shakti.(energy) The Buddha in his great wisdom taught his students to focus on the “prajna”, the wisdom of the heart/mimd because the wisdom of non-dual awareness tempers and brings harmony to the power of the kundalini shakti. When we are lacking awareness in various aspects of our lives, our mental/emotional trauma can stay stored in our energy body, in our chakras and meridians. One has to work on healing and clearing one’s mind for the chakras and meridians to open and kundalini awakening to happen smoothly.
The energy aspect of Kundalini is only relatively real. However, when we focus on it directly, either trying to cultivate it or fix it, we make it appear more concrete and real. We increase its power and our suffering.
The cause of suffering from kundalini is not from the kundalini, it is from our limited understanding of its nature. We suffer from kundalini because of our illusions about it. Trying to fix or heal kundalini with energy work may bring some temporary relief in the subtle energy chakras, nadis, and physical body but the best way for dispelling the suffering of illusion is the cultivation of non-dual loving awareness, the mind of enlightenment that resides in the Heart/Mind. There are a variety of practices for helping this including meditation.
The kundalini once awakened does not go back to sleep, it may appear to fluctuate based on other factors, but it doesn’t subside. So then, why does the suffering from kundalini appear to subside for some of us? Because we have learned to varying degrees to recognize and accept that the actual suffering comes from our resistance to change and the unknown, our fears and attachments, and inappropriate ways of dealing with life. We eventually learn, often the hard way, to maintain a spontaneous presence, an open mind and heart. We learn to accept the physical, emotional and thought experiences, our fears and anxieties, as they arise and stop reacting to them. This brings detachment and freedom from our “stuff”, our mental and emotional traumas from our past and interestingly enough the “ problem with kundalini” subsides.
When you increase your understanding and awareness of kundalini and the true cause of suffering, and then take appropriate, skillful action, you will eventually be free of your attachments, illusions, pain and suffering that may have appeared to have been caused by kundalini.