Spiritual Crisis Management

Since the 1960’s there have been a growing number of people undergoing psycho/ spiritual experiences within our culture, as part of some form of spiritual emergence. This is partly due to the many new therapies and intense spiritual practices involving some type of meditation ie. Kundalini Yoga, shamanic practices, psychedlelic drugs experiences, transpersonal therapies, energy work, intense breathing exercises, etc.

“Spiritual emergence is the process of personal awakening into a level of perceiving and functioning, which is beyond the normal ego functioning. The process may at first include one of the following phenomena: out-of-body experiences, occult phenomena, pre-cognition, clairvoyance, astral travel and perception of auras, etc. At its peak, spiritual emergence is the experience of the ultimate unity of all things, a mystical experience, a merging with the Divine which transcends verbal description.”
— Emma Bragdon PhD 1988

One’s life is permanently changed; this is part of a spiritual crisis and evolutionary process that is irreversible and progressive. The ultimate benefits of this process are numerous, however, when one does not have the mental, emotional flexibility, and understanding, or some form of conceptual framework to support the experience, it can turn into a spiritual emergency.

There are ten major forms of spiritual emergency

            1. Shamanic crisis

            2. Awakening of Kundalini

            3.  Peak experiences

            4.  Psychological renewal

            5. Crisis of psychic opening

            6. Past life experience

            7. Communication with spirit guides               

            8. Near-death experiences                      

            9. Experience with UFO’S

           10. Psychedlelic Drug Induced States

There are some similar features to these different forms of emergence, so there are no clear cut boundaries between them. The form of spiritual emergence which has become the most prevalent is the awakening of the Kundalini.  The Kundalini, known by different names,  is at the core of the esoteric teachings of many cultures and religions including Taoist yoga, Korean Zen, Tibetan Vajrayana, Christian mysticism, Sufism, the freemasons, !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, the Hopi Indians and many others.

The Kundalini can be described as the potential power of pure consciousness which normally lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini is fully “awakened”, it rises up the spine to the crown of the head and culminates in a fully awakened, spiritually enlightened being.

The beginning stages of Kundalini awakening however can be very dramatic. Traditionally it is viewed as an intense process of purification. As the consciousness moves throughout the body it encounters mental, emotional and energetic blockages which create resistance, and can cause spontaneous physical, mental and emotional reactions called kriyas.

Here’s a list of some characteristic symptoms of Kundalini awakening:

  • Throbbing at the base of the spine

  • Shaking all over

  • Involuntary filling of the lungs with air

  • Involuntary forcible inhalation and exhalation of breath

  • Uncontrolled laughing and crying,

  • Extreme fear

  • Visions

  • Spontaneous yoga postures

  • Experiences of vibrations or energy in spinal column

  • Spontaneous chanting

  • Energy movement in other parts of the body

  • Extreme sexual desires

  • Hearing sounds like the buzzing of bees, bells, load roaring sounds

  • Feeling like you are floating

  • Feeling intoxicated,

  • Ecstatic bliss

  • Unusual smells

  • Strange powers or ability   

Methods for spiritual crisis management

Spiritual crises, often called spiritual emergencies, occur when rapid spiritual awakening overwhelms the mind and body, leading to distress, confusion, or dysfunction. My background in spiritual healing, nondual awareness (Mahamudra), and working with individuals in these crises puts me in a unique position to guide others through these intense experiences.

Here are effective methods for managing spiritual crises, categorized by stabilization, integration, and long-term transformation:

Stabilization: Grounding & Immediate Support

These methods help regulate an overactive system and prevent further overwhelm.

Grounding Techniques (for overactive kundalini, psychosis-like experiences, or disorientation)

  • Earth Connection: Walking barefoot, working with soil, eating grounding foods (root vegetables, proteins).

  • Hara Focus: Bringing awareness to the lower abdomen (2 inches below the navel) to stabilize energy.

  • Body Awareness: Gentle yoga, body scans, or movement-based practices like Tai Chi to restore equilibrium.

Breathwork (for anxiety, disassociation, or energy overload)

  • Variety Breathing Exercises: Balances the nervous system.

  • Exhale-Focused Breathing: Longer exhales than inhales (e.g., 4 seconds in, 6 seconds out) calms anxiety.

  • Alternate Nostril Breathing: Harmonizes left and right brain hemispheres.

Presence & Nondual Awareness (for those overwhelmed by visions, psychic openings, overstimulated burnous systems or ego dissolution)

  • Resting as Awareness: Reminding them they are not their thoughts, emotions, or experiences,

  • Gazing into the Sky or Open Space: Helps anchor in vast, impersonal awareness.

  • Using a Simple Mantra ("I Am," "All is Well") to interrupt thought spirals.

Integration: Making Sense of the Experience

Once stabilized, individuals need to integrate their experience into daily life.

Education (Understanding the Process)

  • Teaching that spiritual crises are normal stages of awakening (e.g., Dark Night of the Soul, Kundalini Awakening, Ego Death).

  • Explaining common patterns (e.g., archetypal visions, energy purges, existential terror) to reduce fear.

  • Helping them normalize their experience while avoiding rigid narratives.

Journaling & Reflection

  • Dialogue with the Experience: Writing letters to inner guides, energy, or the "crisis" itself.

  • Symbolic Expression: Drawing, painting, or creative writing to process insights.

Somatic Processing (Releasing Trauma & Stored Energy)

  • Shaking & Dynamic Movement: Letting the body naturally release excess energy, Chi Kung, Yoga, gentle exercise

  • Chanting & Vocalization: Using sound to move stuck energy (e.g., toning vowels, mantra chanting).

Long-Term Transformation: Integrating the Awakening into Daily Life

Spiritual crises can lead to lasting transformation if properly integrated.

Finding a Balanced Practice

  • Meditation Without Overstimulation: Encouraging open awareness (Mahamudra) rather than forceful energy work.

  • Physical Exercise: Strength training if appropriate, walking, sports, Chi Kung, Yoga to anchor spiritual energy into the body.

  • Creative Expression: Music, writing, or dance as a safe channel for ongoing insights.

Community & Support Systems

  • Encouraging authentic, grounded connections (without falling into spiritual bypassing)..

  • Helping them discern between delusion and insight through compassionate dialogue.

  • Working with a qualified spiritual and energy guide and healer

Living in Alignment with the Awakening

  • What needs to change? Does the person need to shift relationships, career, or habits?

  • What remains true? Helping them integrate awakening into everyday responsibilities rather than rejecting the world.

  • Generosity and giving can be good for the heart and mind when one is ready

Final Thoughts

  • Each person’s crisis is unique—what works for one may not work for another.

  • Less is more—avoid overwhelming them with techniques.

  • Presence is the deepest healing—resting in Mahamudra is ideal, however, if that is not possible any meditative practice is helpful to help allow natural energetic unfolding without force.

  • When your own practice just isn’t working for you, a qualified and experienced spiritual energy healer can help guide your energy and practice.


Choosing a Healer


The Three Wisdoms