Can You Fix Kundalini Problems?

“Fixing Kundalini?”

In my experience, trying to “fix” kundalini issues is a common misconception that can actually worsen the situation. Kundalini itself isn’t the root of our difficulties—it simply magnifies and intensifies pre-existing imbalances. At the heart of many of our challenges, whether they involve kundalini or other health concerns, are our own misconceptions, repressed emotions, mental/emotional attachments and aversions, which can have an effect on how we relate to ourselves, one another, the divine, and life itself. Physical reasons—like insufficient exercise, poor nutrition, unhelpful lifestyle choices, or even accidental injuries—also contribute to these imbalances. How we speak, think, feel, act, and even breathe has a profound impact on our energy bodies.

When we are out of alignment or not in harmony with "life as it is”,  with the natural flow of life, our energy becomes disrupted and imbalanced. Over time, these imbalances can manifest as physical, mental, or emotional discomfort or illness. When kundalini awakens in an already unbalanced energy system, it can act like a powerful surge of force that intensifies these blockages, sometimes leading to significant pain or illness. It’s important to remember that the underlying imbalances existed long before kundalini stirred them into action; the awakening itself isn’t the cause of the problem, but it can accelerate the manifestation of issues that were already there. With this in mind, attempting to “fix the kundalini” without addressing these deeper imbalances often leads to marginal improvements, at best—and in some cases, may even be dangerous, as many people have found out through their experiences with energy healers who were unwittingly, “trying to fix” their kundalini with more energy.

So, What’s the Solution?

Since our illusions and misconceptions are at the root of these imbalances, it becomes clear that there is no one solution. Each person’s journey with kundalini is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you haven’t yet found the help you need, please know that hope remains. It might be that previous healers or teachers didn’t fully understand the complexity of kundalini and the problems that “fixing the kundalini” truly entails, and perhaps they were unable to see the unique physical, mental, and emotional imbalances you’re experiencing. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of finding someone who is skillful enough to help you heal your energy body safely and effectively—and to guide you in ways that produce lasting results.

Understanding the intricate nature of karma is also key. Embracing personal responsibility—acknowledging our beliefs, choices, and actions—often means facing our repressed emotions (such as anxiety, fear, or anger) with an open mind and a loving heart. This journey can be challenging and, at times, painful. It’s completely okay to seek support along the way. Although there may be no quick fixes, there are approaches that can lead to profound, effective healing.

I’ve witnessed many individuals with awakened kundalini find relief from their specific pain or suffering—often with remarkable results and without adverse effects. It saddens me to see so many have been hurt by healers or spiritual teachers who might not fully understand the differences between prana, chi, reiki, and kundalini (consciousness). Experiencing suffering from a healer, even if unintentional, can deepen our pain and fear, making it difficult to remain hopeful and open to the possibility of finding someone who truly understands how to work with kundalini-related challenges.

Problems May Not Be Problems

As a past member of the board of a kundalini yoga center, I often spoke with the new people to the programs about their experiences. I remember one man who asked if I recommended shaktipat (transfer of energy) kundalini initiation. As we talked further and I ”looked” at his energy and noticed that while his upper chakras were overly active, his lower chakras were underdeveloped—an imbalance that left him feeling ungrounded and disconnected. Although he wasn’t experiencing major problems at the time, he hoped that awakening his kundalini would enhance his spiritual practice. Sadly, after taking shaktipat, his existing imbalances were dramatically amplified, and he ended up bedridden. Rather than restoring harmony as he had been led to believe by the organization, the initiation only deepened his imbalance. This experience underscores the point that although kundalini awakening does not create suffering—it reveals and accelerates the manifestation of issues that were already present, sometimes instantly. And even in such cases, please remember that healing is still possible.

It’s important to recognize, and understand that misconceptions aren’t inherently negative. Over time, I’ve learned from extensive experience that true freedom from suffering often begins with examining and understanding its root causes. As the Buddha taught, clarifying our confusion is the first step toward overcoming it and transforming our suffering into wisdom.

It Gets Better

My sincere hope is that we all learn from our misconceptions and attachments and gradually free ourselves from the pain they cause. I  continue to practice mindfulness and work through my own attachments. While few of us fully grasp the intricacies of kundalini—myself included—I have come to understand the complex deep interplay between healing and kundalini. I have dedicated my life to helping others whenever and wherever I can, and I truly hope that these insights offer some benefit to your journey toward well-being.


The Three Wisdoms


Should I Have My Kundalini Awakened?